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Waverley Christian – Case Study

Waverley Christian College in Narre Warren was the very first school to pilot T2G’s predecessor ‘TRIstopme’ back in 2017. Back then, teachers were relied on to deliver the program and WCC’s Adam Dearness stepped up, despite little triathlon background.

However, with ready-made session plans and resources and a passion in enabling opportunities for students to be able to access several different forms of physical activity, Adam made ‘TRIstopme’ a success.
That success continues to do the same with T2G program; which he is still delivering himself, and these days getting more students to participate in both the intra-school pool-based triathlon and the large-scale 2XU series events.

“We have loved participating in the Tri2gether program at our College for a number of years now. It has provided many of our students with an opportunity to be active in a sport they otherwise might not have participated in. The focus on participation and being active for enjoyment rather than the result is something that really helps to encourage students to just give it a go. There’s always a great sense of achievement when they finish the final race of the program and they’re straight away asking when the next program will start.” Adam Dearness, Waverley Christian College 

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