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Kurunjang Secondary – Case Study

Having a triathlete on the PE staff is a great place to start when it comes to getting triathlon into a school. Kurunjang Secondary did just that with Liam Green leading the extra-curricular offering for about a dozen students each Thursday after school. Using local facilities as well as bike and running tracks, students experience the confidence that comes with getting physically active with friends while achieving personal bests.

Whilst still early in his coaching journey, Liam was supported in the early iterations of delivery at Kurunjang by T2G Ambassador Kate Bramley, making use of the ready-made session plans and resources available to schools that deliver T2G. This included a pool-based event at the end of term four 2019. In 2020, he’s been able to take the program on his own, combining his knowledge and skills from both triathlon and teaching to deliver a first rate experience students otherwise wouldn’t have access to; seeing them gain new skills and confidence.

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