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Flinders Christian College – Case Study

Flinders Christian College located in Skye south east of Melbourne was a pilot program under the Tri2gether predecessor ‘TRIstopme’. FCC has since made triathlon a staple offering in their weekly’ sport class where students have several sports to choose from. Students come into the program with a varied background and skills in swimming, riding and running but after six weeks of the program.

With some added guidance from T2G Ambassador John Winterburn, the students had the confidence to sign up for an event and give it their best shot.This integration of the program utilised local facilities both off and on-campus, and with strong teacher support, T2G has become a successful staple at FCC, seeing students develop better physical activity habits, resilience and confidence from the fun and social environment.

“TriVic have been an incredible resource which has added value to our Triathlon Program for Year 7&8 students” 
Shay Cosgrave, Flinders Christian Community College 

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