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Albert Park College – Case Study

Albert Park College was one of the first T2G partner schools, joining for season 2018-2019. With a keen outlook to broaden the sports offered at the school. Coupled with proximity to the Melbourne Sports Aquatic Centre and other great training locations in the Albert Park Sports precinct, has seen APC expand theT2G program over their two years. The success of the program has been seen through regular participation from students in Triathlon events and even joining a locally based Triathlon clubs and squads.

The program is offered before school twice per week, to all students and attends several of the 2XU Triathlon Series events across both term four and one. Sam Janssen, local coach from Momentum Tri Club, leads the program at APC, providing less stress to the teaching staff, who only need to assist with recruiting efforts for participants. Importantly, the T2G program provides students of all year levels and abilities, with a welcoming and safe environment, where they are able to access all the fun and personal achievement that triathlon can bring.

“Tri2gether has been an enormously positive addition to the extra curricula sports program at APC. We’ve seen kids develop from no triathlon history and very little endurance fitness to finishing racing events. The sense of achievement and recognition of the dedication to a consistent training program is something the kids will take with them and be able to implement in many other areas of their life. It’s been exciting to see their progress!”
Samantha Janssen, Tri2gether Ambassador

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