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Shepparton Triathlon Club have a year full of ups & downs

It’s been a very successful season of events for the Shepparton Triathlon Club.  Located in Victoria’s Goulburn Valley region, the Shepparton Triathlon Club has had an array of events and activities on offer this past year. 

Duathlons in the winter and mini-triathlons in the summer, culminating in the State qualifier Cavalier Homes Aquathlon in March are just some of the exciting event the club has been running.

The Shepparton Triathlon Club, led by president Trent Hadfield, came across a few small disruptions in planning for the Aquathlon event, with building works around the new Shepparton Art Museum interfering with the usual bike course for the sprint event, nonetheless was able to overcome them.

“Triathlon Victoria would like Shepparton Triathlon Club to rerun the Aquathlon next year, so keep an eye out for it,” says Cameron.

“The typical Victorian weather left no surprises. We battled the extreme weather in January with temperatures in the mid 40’s, and smoke haze disrupted some events. We saw one 6 pm race start in sweating conditions and finish with jumpers and raincoats as a storm blew in.”

As well as organising major events the club has also seen several other successes in a range of club events and initiatives. This included many junior members taking part in the club’s adult event races, including the ‘Enduro’ option, a Swim /Bike /Run /Swim /Bike /Run, merry-go-round that challenged some more than others.

While in the late Spring, a large group of cyclists joined together for a training ride out to the town of Dookie, to raise money in support of a fellow club member who was completing a charity ride from Melbourne to Adelaide.

In more recent times, the Shepparton Triathlon Club has slowly seen the impact of COVID 19.

“We were able to continue swim training in the Victoria Park Lake for a few weeks after the local pool was closed, but it wasn’t for the faint-hearted, as May progressed and the water temperature plummeted.”

“Many members were disappointed when our Challenge Shepparton 70.3 event in April was cancelled three weeks out, however, the seemingly wasted training was nothing compared to the effort that one of our members had put into her UltraMan training when the event was then cancelled eight weeks prior.”

The Shepparton Triathlon Club were thrown a curveball when COVID 19 hit, as were all other clubs who make up Victoria’s triathlon community.  However, with a positive outlook, the Shepparton Triathlon Club have set their sights to next season and are hoping for fewer interruptions.

To learn more about the Shepparton Triathlon Club or to join, Click Here

Photos courtesy of Moray Church 


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