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Club administration in focus

In business, we often hear complaints from those around us declaring – I never have time!

Sound familiar?

Whether it’s updating a website, posting on social media, cleaning up a customer database, tallying the books, or following up business leads. Often, these are the things that slide when you’re a small business operator because the customer-facing aspect dictates.

COVID-19 has forced changes to our usual way of life and operation as a sport, but one positive is that it presents an opportunity to get organised and do those elusive little admin jobs that would otherwise be fighting for attention.

Club administration

Make club administration a focus. Set some time aside to undertake an audit of your member information: contact information, medical records, emergency contact, membership status, etc., to ensure the details you have are current.

Depending on how long lockdown lasts, you might like to review and assess other areas of your business, including:

Marketing and communications

Is the information on your website and social media channels up-to-date? Are you promoting training or programs within government guidelines? Do you need to research new online tools that can help you do business and promote your business better? Do you need to create new advertising collateral? These are all things you can look to address during any downtime.

Health and Safety

When was the last time you audited your first aid kits to identify any items that need replacing or are out of date? Are relevant team members up-to-date with their First Aid and CRP training? Take note of re-stock needs and training update required and address these once regular service resumes.

While this is an extraordinarily challenging and stressful time, it also presents an opportunity for clubs to review the administration aspects of their operations and address what needs to be updated or implemented in readiness for a new season of triathlon.

Need assistance?

We’ve seen the innovation and creativity across the triathlon community that demonstrates its ability to adapt and find new ways to service and engage members. It’s been exciting to see how far advanced some clubs are and how they’ve embraced technology to keep functioning and engaging members.

If you have questions or need some support in administering your club, please reach out to us by using our online form and tell us what you’d find helpful during this time.

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