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Technical Officials come together for Season Opening Dinner

State Technical Officials gathered to open the 2019-20 season at Triathlon Victoria’s Season Opening Dinner held at Port Melbourne earlier this month.

The evening saw a large contingent of Technical Officials come together for a night of reflection, learning and development.

Han te Riele from BrightLabs consulting opened the night with a group workshop where participants were asked to put forward suggestions for change or improvements were needed. Feedback was grouped into communication, race day and post-race areas for Triathlon Victoria to review.

Robbie Wallace, Brian Hinton and Michael Haarsma then shared the floor to deliver rule updates, the process for officiating at a higher level and nominating at events of national significance.

Recognition and years of service awards were also presented, in which the following were acknowledged and awarded.

  5 Year Award: Sheree Millen and Louisa Orta
10 Year Award: Greg Nugent and Sally Brown
15 Year Award: Sally Ham and Michael Haarsma

Triathlon Victoria is committed to supporting the development of our official technical teams as much as possible. We encourage all Technical Officials to attend future evenings like these to connect with fellow officials and meet and support new Officials. It’s also an excellent opportunity to provide feedback and work more collaboratively with Triathlon Victoria and your peers.

The Officiating at a Higher Level presentation has been made available here.

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